CARSWELL, Robert. Pathological Anatomy. Illustrations of the Elementary Forms
of Diseases. London: Longman, Rees, Orme (and others) for the author, 1838.
Folio (366 x 265 mm), contemporary three-quarter calf rebacked and
recornered, marbled boards. $25,000.
First edition in book form of arguably
the finest pathological atlas, with 48 stunning hand-colored
lithographic plates after Carswell.
"On his arrival in London, Carswell took up his duties as a professor and was also appointed as physician to the University College hospital. He then set about publishing the great work upon which his reputation rests,
Pathological Anatomy: Illustrations of the Elementary Forms of
Disease. Carswell undertook its publication because of 'the great difficulty, and frequently the impossibility, of comprehending even the best descriptions of the physical or anatomical characters of diseases, without the aid of coloured delineations.' Originally produced in twelve parts (or
'fasciculi') in order 'to diminish the labour and expenses', the book was completed by 1838."
(University of Glascow Special Collections:
Renowned for his artistic skill as
well as his anatomical knowledge, Carswell executed the drawings
himself, and, as an expert lithographer, personally transferred the
drawings to stone for the lithographs in his book. A landmark both for
its importance in the development of the young field of pathology, and
for its visual beauty and accuracy, Carswell's work is one of the most
sought-after books in the field of medicine.
Plates very clean with only
minimal occasional soiling and very light offsetting to a few plates;
small institutional stamp on title and verso of plates; bookplate. Scarce,
particularly with such fine impressions of the plates. Garrison-Morton 2291;
Heirs of Hippocrates 1501; Norman 408; Osler 2250; Wellcome II, p. 306.
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